Social media features large in Observer’s top 25 music sites

Music has been the focus for a great deal of innovation in media on the web – people want to exchange files, talk to fellow fans, trade information and insights – it all lends itself well to cutting edge.

But music is also universal and we can see its passion and cool pulling early majority types into social media now, just as iPods pulled them into buying hard-discs and synchronising portable devices with PCs.

By way of illustration, the Observer‘s excellent OMM (Observer Music Monthly) supplement ran a feature on the top 25 music websites yesterday.

Top was iTunes, with top sites including Wikipedia (#3), myspace (#4), YouTube (#5), Pandora (#7) and HolyMoly (#12). I was particualarly interested to read about the trend for posting music files (especially copyright free classical tunes) on Wikipedia – the article speculated that the site may look at a music service soon.

Have a look at the full list in the article here.


: : Aside: just anecdotally, I find it amazing how often people who use iTunes don’t realsie that the podcast  button is there on their side-bar. The Observer article didn’t mention podcasts on iTunes either, despite there being a rich source of fan content, radio shows and free music.

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