Digg 4th most popular UK tech news site

Heather Hopkins of Hitwise has posted some useful stats and analysis that puts in perspective the rise of Digg over the last year and its popularity in the UK specifically.

Facts that stood out for me:

  • Digg is the 4th most popular IT media site in the UK now (NB: it is a US-run site), but has just 0.12% of general news market share (compared with 30% + for the BBC and 2.18% for Yahoo! News)
  • A quarter of all Digg visits are referred to other websites
  • The biggest media beneficiaries of Digg’s word-spreading power in the UK are Wired, BBC, New Scientist, SlashDot and The Inquirer, while Microsoft, Apple and Symantech were the top corporate websites that got UK traffic from Digg

And, as Ms Hopkins points out, you can "digg" her story here.

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