75% broadband connections in the UK

I was reeling off some stats about web usage in the UK at the moment to a client the other day and found them incredible myself. Sometimes the usage and broadband penetration stats are so impressive I think maybe I’m getting them wrong.

So in the spirit of blog as public notebook, I would just like to link to the Office of National Statistics report for September 2006 which reports that 75% of all internet connections in the UK are now broadband.  

It means that when considering the average UK web user we now presume that they have an always-on, fast connection.


Via Ian Delaney.

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2 responses to “75% broadband connections in the UK”

  1. Fascinating figures – however, I’ve just received an email from a journalist complaining that a press release he has received (not sent by me) contained a 4.2Mb photograph and took 12 minutes to download. He made the point that not everyone does have broadband. So although we can presume the majority of people have broadband, we still need to remember this figure shows 1 in 4 don’t. Also, too many PRs continue to spam releases rather than target precisely or understand other opportunities presented by new media.

  2. Ah yes, of course… and you’re right.

    Maybe refer his name to a PR department at a major broadband supplier and see if they can’t sort him out with a free trial?

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