Couple of Brand Republic blog posts

I’ve got a couple more posts up at Brand Republic, where I’m told that RSS will be fully operational soon:

  • Someone you know is about to launch MySpace Me-too: In a room full of marketers today, you’re never more than two metres from someone who wants to launch a MySpace for X, Y or Z.

  • Search is the engine of 21st century advertising: I know I work for a search engine marketing firm, but…

It’s a bit like blogging blind, I’ve realised, since I don’t have access to statistics about who has visited the blog like I do with Open. Without that kind of instant feedback it feels a bit more like writing a column than writing a blog.

Will let you know how it goes…

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7 responses to “Couple of Brand Republic blog posts”

  1. Antony, Do you hold any sway at Brand Republic? I can’t seem to get logged into the blog section of the website. I really want to read your posts but can’t get access!

    A friendly nudge from a contributor to open their blog content to the public (to help them get links if nothing else) might help…


  2. Absolutely agree with your point about me-too MySpaces. I have a four point manifesto for brand managers (which Hugh Macleod posted as part of his manifesto series)- point three of which specifically deals with this.

  3. Nice work, Richard – those points are spot on. Have immediately subscribed to your blog – and made a mental note to start read Gapingvoid more often too…

  4. Incidentally, someone at your place should give brand republic a call about SEO! They don’t seem to have got that working either.

    I hope you post the traffic figures of the BR blog. I wonder what it would say if they were less than Open!

  5. A tale of two blogs

    Its a most 21 century peculiarity. You get a new job and youd like to participate in their

  6. A tale of two blogs

    Its a most 21 century peculiarity. You get a new job and youd like to participate in their

  7. A tale of two blogs

    Its a most 21 century peculiarity. You get a new job and youd like to participate in their

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