Press Gazette tour of the Telegraph next gen newsroom

I mentioned the Telegraph’s new newsroom the other day or at least I mentioned Jeff Jarvis’s excellent account of it. If you’d like to take a look at it yourself, Press Gazette’s editor blog has a slide show of images and commentary all about it.

Here’s a pic of “the hub” meeting table at the centre of the room.

And one of the “media wall” – playing live news and also stats of which stories are gaining the most attention – which I want one of for my office :-)

One day soon brand agencies and in-house comms teams will need to be building similar facilities / abilities to be able to create content and react to changes and opportunities online in real-time. Mark me words, y’hear…

3 responses to “Press Gazette tour of the Telegraph next gen newsroom”

  1. Absolutely agree with your prediction about agencies and in-house teams needing this sort of facility. I believe that marketing departments are going to have to split into conversation departments – who will have to manage newsroom style 24/7 content output, and story departments – the planning/management function which is about ensuring that a brand stays true to its essence.

    (see point 6 in this rather lengthy piece I wrote a while back)

  2. Conversation departments – that’s a very interesting way of putting. I know exactly what you mean…

  3. I would love to have digg spy projected up on the wall…

    It’s interesting to see the Telegraph making these bold steps I don’t imgaine it’ll take too long for everyone else to follow.

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