Put a penny in the hat for the old micro-blogging platform: Twitterfund


Incroyable! Twitterfund!

People who use Twitter like nothing more it seems than to talk about the problems with Twitter. The service rarely lets them down by going for a considerable period of time without breaking in some way.

I recall Tom Coates defining Twitter as “a way to access error messages on the web”.

Now there’s nothing so dreary as people moaning about the same thing day in day out without trying to change it.

The utterly charming thing about the social media-istas who use Twitter is that some of them have actually tried to do something to help Twitter out.

I spotted a Tweet from Chris Reed talking about Twitterfund, which he has set up to raise money from users of the service to give to Twitter to help them improve the reliability of the service.

So, if you’re a Twitter fan, drop a couple of quid (or $5, 3.5 Euros) in at Twitterfund. If you have PayPal it is super-easy. If you don’t have PayPal, go and get an account – it really does make online life a lot easier.

One response to “Put a penny in the hat for the old micro-blogging platform: Twitterfund”

  1. Thanks Antony

    Will be interesting to see how it goes. I suspect the $15M VC injection will deter many potential donors, but I’m just as interested in whether a “donation” business model would still work for Twitter and the community, better than either a pure-pay one, or ads.

    Watch this space!

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