Personal aggregator for your online footprint / web shadow:
"You've got links everywhere, for everything. Now you can easily share them all with one URL: yourname.extendr.com.
"Your .extendr account is highly customizable, allowing you to organize URLs as you see fit. Use it to re-engineer your resume or portfolio. Use it as a temporary home page. Use it to neatly synthesize all that you are, online. It's up to you, and it's easy to do."
Let's you see how often people get RT'd, and even more interestingly lets you see who else Tweeted links… great way of finding people who are interested in the same things…
Costs of micropayment systems would be larger than the amounts they were collecting.
"with traditional BI methodologies and systems approximately 90% of an organization’s time and resources are spent on the up front gathering, organizing and selecting of data while only 10% of the time is spent on applying the intelligence in a meaningful way."
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