If you want to be wrong, the internet will never let you down

On the subject of connectedness and anxiety, I really loved this article by Megan Garber in The Atlantic – Everything: Your’re Doing It Wrong.

“You’re doing it wrong” started as a meme and became a journalistic cliché, she says:

We should probably stop with all this. The headlines are cheeky, sure, but in the aggregate, they are simply sad. In the name of helping people out, we have become a group of wanton, finger-wagging judgers. Which, no matter the particular moral or ethical code you subscribe to, is probably doing it wrong.

As well as being a bit of cliché headlinese and a meme, it reinforces a law of expressing opinion online – there will always be someone who thinks you’re wrong. You need to be ready for that – “get a thicker skin”, was one of the rules in my book. If you’re in a particularly self-critical mode or feeling vulnerable and unsure, maybe don’t go looking for it. If you want to be wrong, the web will always help you out.

Hat tip: Raju Narisetti

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